Sunday, June 27, 2010

summer of Mandy: 2010 (day 29)

I went to my first ever quilt show with my mom and sister. I found a place in town where I can go and actually not see anyone I know, which was honestly a little bit weird. This line of fabric is by Moda, called Oz. It was love at first sight. I find fabric and say, "Mom, what can we make out of this?" And by "we" I mean, HER because she's a rock star and I can't even sew on a button. So this my friends is going to be some of the beautiful fabric in the quilt that my mom is going to make me. (And I love it so much that I might have convinced her to make me a purse out of it to.)


Andrea said...

Day 29? That cant be possible? The fabric is really cute! I love it too!

Carmen said...

I love Moda fabric! Too bad I don't love to sew or I'd have tons of their prints stocked up! The ones you've picked are gorgeous. That will be a beautiful quilt.