Friday, May 13, 2011


There are people that come into our lives that inspire us to be great. I believe that friendships are ordained by God because only He knows exactly who we need in our life, the exact moment we need them. Most of the time we are completely oblivious to the impact people are making on us until years later, if we ever realize it at all. Recently I have been very aware of the people in my life and the impact and influence they have made on me. Maybe it's because things are changing in regard to a friendship that I value very much that I began to think through the high value I place on my friendships with people.

Change is scary but this is a good change. It's a necessary change. It's an exciting change. It's a move in the right direction and I am excited to see how it all plays out. BUT it's a hard change because our daily interactions will be very different. My "hiding" place on the other side of the school will be no more. One of my trusted sounding boards will now be across town. I do know that this friend isn't really going anywhere. When I think about things rationally, proximity is really the only thing that is changing.

I am going to borrow some lyrics from my favorite musical to try to describe our unique friendship.
"I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today, Because I knew you..."

The only line I would change is, "Well, I don't know if I believe that's true." I would change it to say, "Well I DO know that because I believe that's true."

I have learned a lot from this friend. There are countless reasons why this friendship is so valuable to me. I have grown both personally and professionally as a result. He has been a sounding board during a rather challenging school year. He has provided wisdom. He has become a mentor and a dear friend. He offers good advice, a different perspective and speaks from years of experience of working with people. He has helped me process. He has reminded me time and time again that having high expectations is a GOOD thing. He laughs at my randomness, deals with my numerous opinions and allows me the opportunity to be creative and gives me the freedom to learn and to grow.

He's not a fan of purple but he puts up with this mess of a kid that loves all things purple and all things associated with K-State.

It is an honor to have Coach Guzman as a mentor and friend.

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